Contestants must compete against each other for a chance to win $500,000 in a house wired with cameras and microphones, capturing their every move for a TV and Internet audience.Reality/game show in which a group of 10 people who have never met is gathered in a two-bedroom, one-bathroom house and monitored continuously by television cameras. The housemates have no contact with the outside world -- no phone, no newspaper, no radio and no television. Every two weeks, "Big Brother" housemates nominate two of their own in a secret vote to be ousted from the house. Viewers choose by a telephone poll which of the two is to be thrown out. After seven housemates have been voted out, viewers decide on the 100th day which of the three remaining cohabitants should win the jackpot of $500,000. The second-place finisher wins $100,000; the third, $50,000. The other roommates are paid $350 for each week that they spend in the house.
Big Brother 13 Episode 13 Season 5 14 nominations is the thirteenth season of Big Brother reality TV series American. It began broadcasting on July 7, 2011 CBS and Showtime 2 and will end in September 2011 where the winner will be determined. The program format will remain largely unchanged from previous seasons: a group of participants who qualify as houseguests, is attached to the Big Brother house under surveillance by cameras and microphones. Each week the houseguests vote to throw up one of their two houseguests left in the night finals. The winner will be determined by the last seven houseguests kicked, collectively known as Big Brother jury. Julie Chen will host the first season, expulsions, and the season finale. The houseguests compete to win a $ 500,000 Grand Prix with a prize offered $ 50 000 finalist. This season was promoted as "The Summer of Double Trouble"